Neutralizing and Affirmation Through Spiritual Practice
Fear and love cannot co-exist. Fear can be, of course, due to real physical threats. However, most fears are mere shadows, projections of our imaginations about possible future events. Its companion, worry, is a form of negative prayer.
Fear of the second sort happens mostly when we are not taking responsibility for our own actions and thoughts. In fact, fear thoughts when examined, seldom match with reality. But why would we choose to do such a thing?
Often our choices are driven by unconscious patterns and we are likely not aware of them. We have established thought patterns that act as default processing mechanisms and unless these are neutralized, we are led around by these unconscious patterns.
These patterns can be a result of childhood perceptions, modeling from our parents, grandparents, teachers and others, and embellished when we are adults in various ways. They may be the result of past lives. This default programming operates in the background and is so entrenched that we might not even be aware of it.
In order to take responsibility for ourselves and determine our actions and make decisions out of our own consciousnesses, the negative patterns that are default programming must be neutralized. Affirmations are not enough to neutralize them because there is a knowing on some level that the affirmation is not "true" in that it contradicts the default pattern.
The most effective spiritual practice for change from default to conscious living that I have found in my years of study and trial is the Amalgamation and Neutralization process that Janet Richmond of Higher Self Voices teaches. Anyone can do it and it requires no special equipment or an inordinate amount of time or strict discipline. With each amalgamation and neutralization, positive input such as infusion of Divine qualities or affirmations can be done. In this way they are effective. Over time, layer by layer, like peeling an onion, the negative pattern overlays are dissolved away.
Janet stresses that the results are permanent. When something else comes up, we are neutralizing another layer of patterning that has been controlling us mindlessly without our conscious direction. Are we ever done with the process? Probably not, because we have so many layers, but that in my opinion is of no consequence because the results are so profound.
You can get started on this process simply by going to www.janetrichmond.com or www.higherselfvoices.com . There you will find links to podcasts, classes and information to print out that will get you started on this life-changing process. You can also purchase her book, Choices, on her website or on Amazon. com.
Blessings from the heart,
Marya OMalley