Friday, March 1, 2013

Time and Spirit
Time began biologically.  Time keeping was established when our eyes saw the coming and going of the sun and as the moon waxed and waned, our skins sensed the changes in temperature as the sun rose and set and seasons came and went, our noses noticed the scent of freshness and then of decay, and with our ears we could hear the changes in the bird songs and the quiet of the night. 
It is all quite lovely and natural.  Physically we seem to be bound by time. 
The spirit that we are, however, is unbound by the vicissitudes of time because it is of the one original source. Worldwide we call the original source by many names numbering in the thousands, just a few examples are God, Divine One, Great Spirit, and Allah.  While inhabiting the body the soul evolves as an expanding expression of the original source. 
Our souls have a calling to express who we truly are.  Spiritual practice helps us to express that truth.  A daily spiritual practice reminds us of who we are amid the distractions of life.  Don't fix your attention on the possibility of mystical experiences, the "bells and whistles" of spiritual practice.  If they come, be grateful, but avoid making the experience of them your goal for that, too, is a distraction.
Blessings from the heart,
Reverend Marya OMalley

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Neutralizing and Affirmation Through Spiritual Practice

Fear and love cannot co-exist.  Fear can be, of course, due to real physical threats.  However, most fears are mere shadows, projections of our imaginations about possible future events.  Its companion, worry, is a form of negative prayer.

Fear of the second sort happens mostly when we are not taking responsibility for our own actions and thoughts.  In fact, fear thoughts when examined, seldom match with reality. But why would we choose to do such a thing?  

Often our choices are driven by unconscious patterns and we are likely not aware of them.  We have established thought patterns that act as default processing mechanisms and unless these are neutralized, we are led around by these unconscious patterns. 

These patterns can be a result of childhood perceptions, modeling from our parents, grandparents, teachers and others, and embellished when we are adults in various ways.  They may be the result of past lives.  This default programming operates in the background and is so entrenched that we might not even be aware of it. 

In order to take responsibility for ourselves and determine our actions and make decisions out of our own consciousnesses, the negative patterns that are default programming must be neutralized.  Affirmations are not enough to neutralize them because there is a knowing on some level that the affirmation is not "true" in that it contradicts the default pattern.

The most effective spiritual practice for change from default to conscious living that I have found in my years of study and trial is the Amalgamation and Neutralization process that Janet Richmond of Higher Self Voices teaches.  Anyone can do it and it requires no special equipment or an inordinate amount of time or strict discipline.  With each amalgamation and neutralization, positive input such as infusion of Divine qualities or affirmations can be done.  In this way they are effective.  Over time, layer by layer, like peeling an onion, the negative pattern overlays are dissolved away. 

Janet stresses that the results are permanent.  When something else comes up, we are neutralizing another layer of patterning that has been controlling us mindlessly without our conscious direction.  Are we ever done with the process?  Probably not, because we have so many layers, but that in my opinion is of no consequence because the results are so profound.

You can get started on this process simply by going to or .  There you will find links to podcasts, classes and information to print out that will get you started on this life-changing process.  You can also purchase her book, Choices, on her website or on Amazon. com. 

Blessings from the heart,
Marya OMalley

Friday, January 18, 2013

January 17, 2013

"Youth is a gift; immaturity is a choice."  Holiday

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

A Spiritual Practice
In my previous entry I talked about spiritual practice as a means of quieting distracting mind chatter.  Spiritual practice also is a means of connecting consciously with our Divine nature.  Put another way this is heightened awareness.   Spiritual practice also grounds this heightened awareness in daily life.  We shift our awareness of ourselves from the mundane history of our lives to that of a Divine creation originating from the One Source of all that is.
The hardest part might be to begin.  I encourage you to pursue a spiritual practice that appeals to you.  Don't feel that you have to limit yourself to a certain practice. The practice is for your spiritual benefit and there is no one practice for everyone.  If you try a practice and it doesn't seem to be "doing it " for you, then my suggestion is to modify the practice to better suit you or try another one.
A simple practice is likely to serve you best.  You can always add more elements later.  Can you do the practice whether you are traveling or at home? Make it doable.  If you don't have twenty minutes then do ten minutes or five minutes, start wherever you are. Perhaps you can do your practice first thing in the morning when the house is quiet or at night when you are lying in bed before going to sleep.  Maybe you could do five minutes in the morning and five in the evening.  If the time extends itself, so be it. 
Some find that using guided practice such as a C.D. or an MP3 works well.  Some find reading prayers or daily meditations works well for them.  Some repeat a mantra.  For others, silence is key.  I have found that repeating a written or audio practice soon becomes familiar and I can then do the practice on my own.  The ritual of a repeated process can accelerate entering the state of heightened awareness.  You might find that you want to engage in some added spiritual practice when you have s few moments of time like waiting at the dentist's office.
Blessings from the heart,
Reverend Marya OMalley

Monday, January 14, 2013

The First Step is to Ask
Welcome to my (almost) daily blog, a conversation about all things spiritual, expressing my thoughts and hearing yours! 

The first step in moving forward is to ask for what you want.  Are you seeking enlightenment, spiritual knowledge, a spiritual mentor, ways to address challenges that you are experiencing, peace? or something else?

The Divine will never force itself upon you.  Really, all you have to do is to ASK.  "Ask and it shall be given." 

Sometimes we don't just forget to ask, to invite, we actually shut out or even disinvite the Divine.  It happens through our false beliefs and our negative thoughts, sometimes known to us and sometimes hidden from us.   For instance, I had a limited understanding of allowing or surrendering to the Divine, really an act of trust in a trustworthy source.  I could let go and let God in terms of my relationships, my social life, and many other areas but realized that where I was having the greatest of challenges I wasn't letting go.  I didn't trust the Divine with my finances! 

What are you areas of greatest challenge?  What are you avoiding most?  What are you denying?

Whether we are aware or not, we are generating an out-picturing of our thoughts and beliefs in our life experiences.  Mere positive thinking is not enough.  It is necessary to neutralize the negative (more about that to come in future Spirited Conversations). 

Do you have to worry about every negative thought that bubbles up in your mind?  Of course not, the key is not to entertain those thoughts.  By having a regular spiritual practice of some kind, you will be reducing that irritating mind chatter that is taking up too much of your precious energy.  There are many many spiritual practices that offer great benefit.  In future Spirited Conversations we will be discussing some of them.

What I ask you to do today is to think about what you really want spiritually.  Spirituality does encompass your physical and material life.  In my opinion the illusion of our physical lives lies mainly in the illusion that we are isolated from spirit, the illusion that we live in a finite and sharply defined world that is perceived only through our 5 senses.

There is nothing wrong in wanting something really big, like say, enlightenment!  As creations of the one Originating Source, we are of Originating Source ourselves just as an acorn only sprouts to form an oak tree.

Blessings from the heart,
Reverend Marya OMalley